FOLIO Project Update – Week of March 25, 2019

The FOLIO Product Council reports that members of the Accessibility SIG demonstrated the CheckIn and CheckOut apps using JAWS software, pointing out some difficulties testers are having with navigation.  This information will be passed along to the developers.  The PC discussed the remainingg Epics (those not currently being worked on) and also talked about PC meetings for the June FOLIO meeting.

The FOLIO Technical Council discussed the June FOLIO meeting as well as status of the solicitation of quotes for a Security Audit. Both items will be addressed again in next week’s meeting (April 3rd) in more detail.

The Metadata Management SIG discussed how to start planning for the upcoming working meeting. They also looked at the new “Information, Tips, and Tricks” page for Inventory and discussed how to start adding to and organizing it. A small subgroup will meet to begin this work. In a few weeks MM will be meeting with Dennis Bridges to learn more about serials receiving in FOLIO.

The Sys Ops & Mgt SIG discussed ways to achieve tenant admin bootstrapping. It is about creating an admin user for a new tenant. It can be done via an API or through a module. The tenant needs to be secured. The procedure has relevance for a multi-tenancy system. Currently one needs to turn off mod-auth to create a new tenant which is a problem when adding a new tenant to an existing multi-tenant system. Wayne Schneider will do a write-up of these issues and post it on Discuss. They then continued the discussion on the recommended toolchain. Okapi is not meant for orchestration in a production deployment. Rancher supports both Cloud and on-premise deployment. The group seem to converge to agree on Kubernetes and Rancher as “supported toolset” but need more discussions. “Recommendation” is not to be understood as a requirement, just as something which the group will support in their best practices guides.

The Forum Facilitators SIG reports that the recording for this week’s forum, By the Numbers: A First Look at the eUsage App, is available on the OLF YouTube Channel: Registration is available for the next Forums: MARCCat App (April 10) and Project ReShare (April 24).