A blueprint for FOLIO and its future development
Building FOLIO’s feature roadmap is a collaborative process, gathering feedback from the entire community: Librarians, developers, and vendors. Areas that are important to the widest set of stakeholders, or ones that are critical to upcoming adopters, are typically prioritized.
Working together coalitions of implementers with shared interests can work together to shorten the timeline of certain functionality. Individual contributors may also devote time and effort to an item of particular interest to a customer or group of customers.
A product of the FOLIO community, the FOLIO roadmap is truly the voice of the FOLIO adopters. It is through participation in the community that needs – current and future – are met.
Continually in development, new releases of FOLIO are made available four times annually, demonstrating the FOLIO community’s commitment to delivering on the promise of FOLIO.
Areas being worked on over the coming year:
Because of the nature of FOLIO’s continuous development it would be impossible to show a complete roadmap of areas being worked on over the coming year. Instead, below is a sample of features and functionalities that are current areas of focus. Any specific questions can be addressed to the FOLIO community (via the Product Council on FOLIO’s Slack) or your FOLIO vendor of choice.
- Acquisitions enhancements (Cross App, Invoices, Orders, Organizations, Receiving)
- Bulk Edit capabilities (Inventory, Users)
- Consortia functionality (Integrations – Inn-Reach, etc.)
- Data Import/Export (Bib data, EDI, process improvements)
- ERM enhancements (Agreements, eHoldings, Entitlements, local KB Admin, Usage Visualizations)
- Inventory enhancements (Search)
- OAI-PMH enhancements (MARC Holdings)
- Metadata Management enhancements (Enhanced Bound-with, MARC Authorities)
- Open Access support (Create/manage Open Access Management requests, Integration with Acquisitions)
- Reference Data improvements (bootstrapping system and managing upgrades)
- Reporting (LDP app, Multiple functional areas)
- UI Consistency and cleanup
- Workflow support (Dashboard app)