Release Calendar

The FOLIO community works toward planning and executing multiple releases per year. Each release is named for a flower, and each release is referred to by its flower name by the community.

Upcoming releases

RamsonsNovember 2024

Timing and release notes to come.

FOLIO release badge featuring three white six-petaled flowers with the words "FOLIO Ramsons November 2024" underneath.

Recent releases

QuesneliaMay 2024

Timing and Release Notes

FOLIO Quesnelia release badge. Stylized image of a quesnelia flower, with the words FOLIO Quesnelia May 2024 written underneath.

PoppyNovember 2023

Timing and release notes

FOLIO Poppy release badge. A stylized image of three poppy flowers with the words FOLIO Poppy December 2023 underneath.

Periodic releases provide steady platform improvements

With more than thirteen named releases issued to date, FOLIO continues to grow and flourish. Information about the FOLIO Community as well as current, past and upcoming releases can be found at

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