FOLIO Project Update – Week of November 18, 2019

The FOLIO Implementation Group discussed WOLFcon and the sessions that members had suggested. The FIG also talked about dependencies in implementation, specifically regarding integrations. Members also shared some local project plans.

The Metadata Management SIG talked briefly about WOLFcon, and a new Entity Management subgroup is forming that will kick off at that meeting. The SIG looked at the Course Reserves app display as an example of possible display changes for subheadings to recommend for Inventory, as well as FOLIO-wide. Charlotte Whitt demonstrated some of the latest developments and refinements to searching in Inventory, including the keyword search that does not require words to be in exact order and the Query search.

The LDP Data Privacy Working group of the Reporting SIG put together a presentation on Data Privacy for the Library Data Platform, and Ingolf Kuss presented it to Product Council. Version 0.3 of the Library Data Platform (LDP) software has been released and is available on GitHub at: version has many new and updated features, such as improved performance, increased data coverage (85 FOLIO interfaces), and improvements in data extraction. A hosted LDP database is now available for the FOLIO community at:

The SIG also finalized its list of reporting topic submissions for WOLFCon 2020. Angela Zoss showed the SIG 2 completed and tested LDP queries (circ item detail and services usage) from the Report Prototype Working Group.

The recording of the Forum on FOLIO Data Import and FOLIO Data Export from the Forum Facilitators SIG is now available: The next Forum will be a FOLIO Year-in-Review conducted at WOLFcon in January.