FOLIO Project Update – Week of October 14, 2019

Harry Kaplanian joined the FOLIO Implementation Group to share the progress of the RFP document, and to ask that the FIG take some time to review and contribute. He briefly answered a question regarding the status of the community development document Mike Gorrell had shared in DC.

The FIG discussed data loading concerns and the developments in process to fix those issues. The FIG also shared more about how our local implementation teams are organized and how cross-functional decisions are handled. Karen shared the new buttons and template for the Tips&Tricks page to make documenting a little easier and more standardized. The FIG welcomes sharing of any functional documentation or tips.

Emma Boettcher joined the Metadata Management SIG again to continue a discussion of the “withdrawn” item state. The SIG briefly discussed desired behavior of ISBNs in Inventory, and anyone concerned is invited to comment in a working document with examples of searches/expected results.

The SIG reviewed proposed changes to the record display in Inventory, putting holdings and items at the top. These changes, which will be beneficial to RA, seem to be acceptable for MM as well.

The Reporting SIG reviewed clusters for Resource Management reports. Emma Boettcher and Marc Johnson joined the Report Prototype Working Group to discuss loan action FOLIO attributes needed for reporting. The LDP development database has been updated with more test data to support collaborative query development work.

The Sys Ops & Mgt SIG exchanged ideas about a FOLIO security issues policy. Security flaws need to be communicated to a trusted group of people (security experts) who will assess the defect and work on bug fix releases and security patches. The SIG has proposed to hire external computer system security professionals as well as to build a FOLIO internal group of security experts from campus staff and students involved in security programs.

The SIG further advocates to adopt risk assessment and security policies of other large open source projects like Koha, Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu etc. and make use of the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS). This is an open industry standard that is widely used for the assessment of the severity of system security vulnerabilities. The SysOps SIG has four representatives in the TC Security Issue Policies working group.

The next FOLIO Forum from the Forum Facilitators SIG is a Roadmap Update and demonstration of the ERM functionality. It will be held on Wednesday, October 23 at 11:00am Eastern U.S. time.  Registration is available at: